Keywords: human capital, set of competencies, human security, human development index, human capital management


The purpose of the article is to clarify the levels of human capital research, their systematization and analysis of the country in international rankings on human capital development. The current state of human capital in our country has a number of features: a decline in fertility and, as a result, the aging of the nation and population decline, low motivation of labor and unsatisfactory level of investment in human capital and, as a result, labor migration of Ukrainians, etc. Of course, this state of affairs requires a revision of the established methods, techniques, methods of human capital research and management. The article considers theoretical approaches to the essence of the definition of "human capital", which dominate in scientific research and define it mainly as a set of accumulated knowledge, practical skills, creative and mental abilities, as well as other productive properties. According to the results of the study, it is found that the study of this issue should be carried out at the level of the country, region (industry), enterprise, team, family and individual levels, since personal qualities, values, competencies, etc. cannot be separated from the person. It was noted that the main purpose of human capital is the creation and dissemination of innovations, the use of which gives the company a real competitive advantage. It is marked that in today's conditions and constant risks, in order to improve the efficiency of human capital management, it is important to revise the system of existing indicators and indicators, and it is quite expedient to supplement the existing system with a crucial indicator - the level of human capital security, which will be reflected in all hierarchical levels of human capital formation and development. Attention is focused on the dynamics of the Human Development Index of Ukraine, the value of which has been steadily increasing over the past ten years and was even higher than the world's, until 2019. However, since 2020, the value of the Human Development Index has decreased both in Ukraine and around the world, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, global climate change, food insecurity, and military actions in our country. It is substantiated that solving human security problems today is becoming a key narrative for the entire world community and requires the development of new approaches. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using the results obtained in further scientific research, national business, which operates in the context of modern global challenges.


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How to Cite
Varaksina, E., KarlinsʹkaE., & Petrenko, V. (2022). MODERN CHALLENGES OF HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (43).