Keywords: small business, government policy, government regulation, macroeconomic indicators, socio-economic development, national economy


The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of state regulation of small business development and the formation of priority areas of state policy in this area. The attention is focused on the fact that small business affects the main macroeconomic indicators of the socio-economic development of any state, including Ukraine, plays a significant role in increasing its competitiveness. Theoretical approaches to determining the essence of state regulation of small business are considered. It has been proved that the state regulatory policy for the development of small business is complex and is aimed at solving the problems of developing this area and overcoming the negative influences that take place both in this sector and the economy as a whole. The features of state regulation of small business development in Ukraine have been studied. The attention is focused on the regulatory and legal basis, which is formed in order to regulate the interaction between the subjects. The main results achieved within the framework of the implementation of previously adopted strategic documents have been determined. Using the indicators of the Doing Business index in dynamics, the conditions created in the country for the development of small business are analyzed. It was noted that in 2020 Ukraine took 64th place out of 190 countries of the world, having improved its position compared to last year by seven positions, and over the past five - by 32 positions. An analysis of the components of this index made it possible to identify areas in which there is an improvement in the conditions for doing business in the country and an increase in the efficiency of processes. Among the areas that need to be addressed, including with the use of mechanisms of state regulatory policy, such as: «Getting Credit», «Paying taxes» and «Resolving Insolvency» are noted. It is noted that these «bottlenecks» create a number of difficulties that hinder the development of domestic small businesses. A set of problems of a macroeconomic and macroeconomic nature that such subjects face is determined. Priority directions of the state regulatory policy to promote the development of small businesses have been formed, allowing to intensify its activities, ensure employment of the population and mitigate the negative impact of modern challenges on the economy of Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Tregubov, O., Klochkovska, V., & Klochkovskyi, O. (2022). STATE REGULATION OF SMALL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT. Economy and Society, (43).