Keywords: cyber threat, computer virus, cyber security, information protection, antivirus program


The article is devoted to topical issues of using modern methods of combating computer viruses. The classification of malicious software is given, which involves the division of viruses into the classes of file and boot viruses. Various methods of detecting malicious programs in the context of computer security requirements are considered in detail. The mechanism of action of the file and boot virus has been determined. The purpose of the article is the analysis, systematization and grouping of modern methods of combating computer viruses that penetrate devices and networks with the aim of infecting and disrupting the performance of computers and systems. A set of well-known scientific methods and techniques was used to achieve the set goal of the research and to solve the relevant tasks: the abstract-logical method – for generalization, formulation of conclusions and recommendations. The method of logical synthesis was used to theoretically substantiate the importance of studying the problems of protecting modern programs from computer viruses. The methods of analysis and synthesis made it possible to determine the peculiarities of the use of modern antivirus programs in Ukraine. The article pays special attention to the mechanism of infection of individual computers, as well as computer networks, with boot and file viruses. It has been found out how devices are infected with a file-boot virus called DIR. Separately, the article considers the problem of the influence of a number of viruses on computer software. As a result of the research, methods of virus detection were systematized during the operation of devices both without antivirus programs and with them. The most popular and effective antivirus programs recommended by specialists for use in Ukraine are named. The practical value of the article lies in the definition, systematization and justification of modern methods of combating computer viruses. It was noted that the main unsolved problem, which requires further research, remains the development of new approaches to the creation of a modern mechanism for protecting computer equipment and the information environment from malicious programs and cyber attacks.


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How to Cite
Antonenko, N., Dihtyar, Y., & Krykun, N. (2022). MODERN METHODS OF FIGHTING COMPUTER VIRUSES. Economy and Society, (43).

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