Keywords: inhibitors, development, competence, management, organization


Considering the competence of a management employee as a complex phenomenon and process, it should be noted that during the professional life its development occurs, as a rule, heterogeneously (regarding thevcomponents), unevenly (in terms of intensity), not always systematically and consistently due to various circumstances. Taking into account psycho-physiological, social, organizational-economic and a number of other factors in the process of formation and development of competence, it is important to take into account the qualitative «coloring» of their influence. In particular, in the section of monitoring, among the array of factors that slow down, inhibit and, partially or completely, prevent the development of competence, it is worth singling out, structuring and establishing cause-and-effect relationships regarding the inhibitors given process. In the work, taking into account the content of the relevant terms «obstacles», «barriers» and the results of a survey of chiefs, the author's interpretation of the definition of inhibitors of competence development is proposed, namely, these are all those obstacles during managerial activities that inhibit, slow down, suppress or completely stop processes their development. In order to identify and clearly position the inhibitors, their totality has been isolated, systematized and classified in the direction of a holistic understanding of the sources of origin, role, importance and methods/ways of management. Important essential features of the typology of inhibitors include the field of occurrence, origin, period of action (impact), probability of prediction (forecasting), nature of coexistence, subject, level of occurrence and manifestation, form of manifestation, method of perception, nature of awareness; corresponding subspecies are established for the proposed features. On the basis of distinguishing the stages of the formation of the competence of managers, the location and range of manifestation of the influences of the main groups (organizational, economic, professional, personal and force majeure) of inhibitors are proposed. Taking into account the parameters of the periodicity and weight of the perception of influence (which can be quite subjective and situationally individual for a specific manager) is the basis of the development of the toolkit – the proposed model for choosing a style of behavior in the form of an appropriate matrix.


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How to Cite
Darmits, R., & Vintoniak, A. (2022). INHIBITORS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF MANAGERS’ COMPETENCES. Economy and Society, (43).