The article is devoted to the problem of accounting and analytical support for company tax calculations. The purpose of the article is to develop an organizational and information model of accounting and analytical support for tax calculations to make management decisions in the tax management system. The dynamic of the total tax debt of Ukraine is analyzed. The negative dynamic of tax debt shows the need to implement measures of tax management of enterprises for timely and complete payment of taxes fees to the budget and preventing the occurrence of tax debt. Rationally organized accounting and audit of tax calculations allows to optimize of the tax burden of a business entity and avoid fines. In the conditions of the information society, the optimization of the organization of accounting and auditing is primarily related to the development of information support for accounting and control procedures of tax payments. An organizational and informational system for accounting and analytical support for enterprise tax calculations has been developed and schematically presented. The system of accounting and analytical support of tax payments at enterprises is considered in the form of a model that includes identical blocks - "Directions", "Methods", "Tools and management procedures of accounting, analysis, and control", "Technologies of accounting, analysis, and control", "Regulatory – legal regulation of tax calculations". These blocks reflect the specifics of a certain type of information support. Provisions on the efficiency of management of tax liabilities, income, and expenses have been substantiated. Scientifically methodical issues of accounting and analysis in the system of tax management have been substantiated. As part of the improvement of the system, a model of accounting and analytical support for enterprise tax calculations was proposed and justified. As a result, it was concluded that it is necessary to build a competent accounting and analytical system of tax management, which is based on the integration of accounting, analytical, reporting, control, and auditing procedures of the enterprise.
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