A characteristic feature of the domestic banking system is the presence of foreign capital. At the same time, the influence of the functioning of banks with foreign capital on the state of the banking sector of Ukraine is ambiguous. The goals of the study are: to carry out a detailed analysis of modern trends in the presence of foreign capital in the banking sector of Ukraine and to determine the impact of these trends on the level of stability of the domestic banking system. The official statistical data of the National Bank of Ukraine on the activity of banks for the period 2008-2022 were used to conduct this study. Research methods used in the work are divided into the following: general scientific (induction, deduction, description, observation); grouping and comparison; analytical (coefficient analysis). The article examines the NBU's methodology for dividing banking institutions into groups. The main reasons for the attractiveness of the domestic market of banking services for foreign investors are named. The positive and negative consequences of the presence of foreign capital for the domestic banking system are analyzed. The dynamics of the number of banks represented on the market, including those with foreign capital, are given. The leading banks with foreign capital were characterized. In addition, a study of the main indicators of the banking system of Ukraine (net assets, equity capital, net profit, volume of loans granted to individuals and legal entities) as of 01.01.2022 was conducted in the section of groups of banks determined by the National Bank of Ukraine. Particular attention is focused on the analysis of the dynamics of the level of profitability of bank groups' capital. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the banks of foreign banking groups played a significant role in ensuring the stability of the banking system of Ukraine during the crisis of 2014-2016. It was determined that the banks of foreign banking groups most conscientiously fulfill the economic standards established by the regulator. It is noted that improving the state regulation of banks with foreign capital is an important component of increasing the level of stability of the domestic banking system.
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