Keywords: tax control, tax audit, tax mediation, forensic economic examination, forensic audit


The article is devoted to the tools of internal tax control as elements of tax management. The purpose of the article is research, generalization and professional assessment of the state and significant shortcomings of internal tax control in domestic companies, in general, and its individual components, in particular, the minimization of which can increase management efficiency. The differences between external and internal tax control are determined (subject of implementation – external tax control is the competence of tax authorities from the state, and internal tax control is carried out at the enterprise thanks to the creation of an internal control service and the involvement of the services of external specialists; internal tax control, unlike external, is carried out both operationally and retrospectively, and also allows to prevent the occurrence of violations of tax legislation). Theoretical and practical aspects of internal tax control are considered. The list of internal tax control tools has been expanded in order to form an evidence base for internal tax control by involving external specialists in areas such as forensic audit, tax audit, forensic economic expertise and expert economic research, tax consulting, tax mediation. The author's vision of the conceptual foundations of internal tax control as an element of tax management, which consist of the purpose, tasks, subject, object, subject, principles, approaches to the formation of the evidence base and information support of internal tax control, is presented. It has been established that the developed conceptual principles of internal tax control will allow effective implementation of the tax management policy capable of managing the tax flows of the enterprise, carrying out reliable tax planning and legal tax optimization. It was revealed that the prospects for further research are the clarification of organizational, theoretical and methodological aspects of approaches to ensuring the evidence base of internal tax control.


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How to Cite
Nazarova, K., Shushakova, I., & Levchenko, Y. (2022). INTERNAL TAX CONTROL IN ENSURING EFFICIENT COMPANY MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (43).