The article examines the resource and institutional support of strategic planning for the development of business structures in the recreational sphere. The basic principles of strategic planning for the development of business structures in the recreational sphere are clarified among them: the principle of least action; the principle of inevitability; direct or hidden actions; two weaknesses; without alternatives. It is determined that strategic planning of business development is a function of strategic management that determines the process of selecting and defining strategic attitudes, strategic analysis and development of strategic goals. Recreational potential is also defined as the ability of a territory based on existing and explored natural, as well as socio-cultural and economic resources, with various combinations of them, to have a positive impact on the physical and spiritual state of a person as recovery and development. The influence of institutions of administrative and Legal Regulation, territorial improvement of the region, personnel support, cultural and social development, the level of Economic Cooperation and consistency of subjects, information support of participants in recreational activities has a direct complex impact on employment, production efficiency and distribution of resources in the direction of recreation and tourism, namely the implementation of recreational potential. It is proved that resource provision (economic resources). In the works of classical economists, labor, land, and capital are noted among the factors of production, and relatively recently information has been attributed here. It is worth noting the entrepreneurial ability, which stands out as a factor and is an ability that is not unique to the owner of capital. But institutional support is formed partly in the process of social development, forming spontaneously (competition, scale of cooperation and division of labor, labor culture, distribution of wealth, moral and ethical guidelines in society) and partly from purposefully spent Social labor of the living and past on the part of private individuals, the state and their joint activities through administrative regulation, redistribution in the form of taxes and public spending, public-private partnership and so on.
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