This article is devoted to the analysis of the state of the stock market of Ukraine, as well as the identification of problems of its functioning and the study of possible ways to solve them. The stock market of Ukraine does not have a single policy of its development, and every year it improves and integrates into the world space. The article examines the main approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "stock market", its constituent elements, and examines the legal framework of regulation. The state of the stock market of Ukraine at the current stage of formation is analyzed. The dynamics of the volume and number of issues of shares and bonds of enterprises and the volume of exchange contracts with securities from trade organizers for 2014-2021 were studied. The main problems hindering the development of the market are highlighted, in particular, insufficient transparency of the domestic stock market. Possible measures to improve the general market situation and stimulate the further development of the stock market of Ukraine are also proposed.
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