Keywords: financial system, financial mechanism, social guarantee, social protection, social providing


The article is devoted to the problems of using the term “social guarantee” in theoretical studies of the financial system and financial mechanism. It is emphasized that modern science lacks a unified approach to the essence of financial policy, its key goals, and objectives. It is emphasized that financial policy goals are determined by the state’s functions and the level of development of financial relations in a specific country. The social function of the state determines the formation of appropriate funds of financial resources and their allocation to various activities related to social security. The components of the financial system, financial mechanism, and the place of social guarantees in their structure are studied. The concept of “social guarantee” is learned from the standpoint of financial infrastructure and its tools. The connection between the concept of “social guarantee” and the concepts of “social protection”, “social security” and “social security” is revealed. The essential, substantive characteristics of social guarantees are determined from the standpoint of legislation and modern financial science. Social guarantee, on the one hand, characterizes a certain level of satisfaction of citizens' various needs, which is guaranteed by the state; on the other hand, it is defined as the amount of necessary financial resources directed from centralized and decentralized funds in these directions. It is justified that in this way, the ability of the state to fulfill its social function is articulated through the concept of “social guarantee”. The key factors of the “socialization” of financial relations at the global and national economies levels and the role of social guarantees in this process are substantiated. The reasons for the changes in the state financial policy aimed at strengthening the level of social protection and social security are determined. It has been established that the “socialization” of finance takes place against the background of the development and spread of the concept of sustainable development, which involves finding a balance between meeting the needs of members of society in various goods and the needs of future generations.


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