The article examines the main problems of the development of the agrarian sector of the economy of Ukraine in the conditions of the instability of the national economy during the war and indicates its ability to ensure the country's food security. The dynamics and structure of the production of the main types of crop and livestock products by categories of agribusiness subjects in the pre-war period are given. It was determined that the main producers of export-oriented crops and poultry products are agricultural holdings and large agricultural enterprises. Households specialize in the production of labor-intensive livestock products and vegetable crops. The consequences of military aggression on the development of the agricultural sector are outlined, and the main national programs for the recovery of agribusiness are given. It was determined that the main problems of the functioning of the agricultural sector arose due to the destruction of the infrastructure of production, processing and storage of agricultural products, the breakdown of logistics chains and the blocking of exports. Attention is focused on the effectiveness of national grant programs for the development of strategically important branches of agricultural production and the USAID Program for Agrarian and Rural Development (AGRO). The main proposals regarding the stabilization and activation of agricultural production during the period of recovery of the national economy in order to ensure the success of the development of European integration processes in the agricultural sphere are given. It is noted that the current model of the agricultural sector of Ukraine should be transformed, taking into account the priority of the development of small entrepreneurship, the formation of family farming in the field of agribusiness. The main vector of the development of the national agricultural sector should be the production of agricultural and processing products with high added value. Budgetary financing of agricultural producers of plant and livestock products in the context of guaranteeing food security and tax incentives through the introduction of a preferential VAT taxation regime should be priority directions.
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