Keywords: military logistics, Armed Forces of Ukraine, war, factors, logistical support


In the conditions of martial law, ensuring the safety of the population is a key task of the government. In turn, military logistics units play an important role in fulfilling this task, the main purpose of which is to provide the Armed Forces of Ukraine with material, technical, medical and other resources. The purpose of the scientific article is to systematize factors influencing the activity of the logistic support system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine by applying the theory of system analysis. Method or methodology of the work. The methodological basis of the study were the works of domestic and foreign scientists, who reveal the conceptual and categorical apparatus on theory of management of the logistic support system of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The method of comparative analysis and the method of content analysis of scientists' works were used in the study. Results of the study. In the study, scientific approaches to determining the factors that impact on the effectiveness of the system of logistical support of military units were analyzed and systematized. Based on the results of the study, the authors proposed a refined classification of the factors that influence the effectiveness of the system of logistical support of military units. It includes the following factors: military; economical; geopolitical; information and technical; regulatory and legal; infrastructural; personnel; management. In addition, authors highlighted the specific problems that appeared because of the war. Scope of practical application of the results. The obtained results have significant practical value and can be used by the management of military logistics units to optimize the costs of logistics operations and increase the efficiency of their management. Conclusions. The authors conclude that there are many problem aspects in the work of the system of logistical support of military units. In order to improve logistics services in the process of providing troops with material, technical and other resources during the war, the authors proposed to decline corruption, strengthen ties with friendly countries on the provision of financial and material assistance, look for alternative logistical ways to accomplish the tasks set, optimize existing transport and infrastructure resources to reduce time and costs, etc.


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How to Cite
Tesnikov, O., & Fursova, V. (2022). FACTORS IMPACTING ON THE OPERATION OF THE LOGISTICS SUPPLY SYSTEM OF THE UKRAINEN ARMED FORCES IN THE CONDITIONS OF WAR. Economy and Society, (42). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-42-17