The article is devoted to important issues of guaranteeing social security in the context of the formation and use of the state's financial and economic potential. The purpose of the study was to assess the real state of financing of the social sphere in Ukraine, outline the existing problems and provide proposals for their solution. The theoretical and methodological basis is the regulatory and legal base, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists. The results of the research were obtained during the use of the dialectical method of learning phenomena that have a legal and economic nature and relate to approaches to the use of the public finance system in the course of financing the public needs of the social sphere, and therefore guaranteeing social security. Methods of formal logic were also used - for analysis, generalization and systematization of the material; tabular – for visual display of the analyzed data; abstract-logical – when substantiating theoretical propositions and formulating conclusions. It was found that the provision of public goods in Ukraine has the characteristics of a solidarity-conservative system, and the basis of the financial basis for the implementation of social guarantees is the gross domestic product, which is redistributed through the taxation system and the single social contribution. The main factors affecting the state's ability to fulfill social guarantees and ensure the minimum level of social security are characterized, divided into two groups: indirect or external and direct or internal. The analysis of the dynamics and state of GDP and state finances made it possible to conclude that there are insufficient financial opportunities to increase the level of social security in Ukraine. In the course of the study, the scientific and methodological apparatus for studying, analyzing and evaluating the effectiveness of the use of budget funds for the financing of public expenditures of a social nature was expanded. A number of conclusions and proposals aimed at improving the financial and economic potential of the country were made. The obtained research results can be used both in further scientific research and in the practical activities of state financial control bodies in terms of increasing the efficiency of the formation and use of financial resources of the budgetary system and state extra-budgetary cash funds.
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