Keywords: analysis, enterprise, management system, functions, indicators, managerial decisions, information


The article discusses the place of analysis in the management system of enterprise according to system-element, system-functional and system-information approaches. There is no single definition of the term “management system”, so scientists interpret it in different ways. Management system is usually understood as interrelated elements (sub-systems) that, in their interaction, allow to achieve set goals, which in turn must be coordinated with management problems. In terms of this study, it is advisable to discern managing (subject of management) and managed (object of management) sub-systems, the sub-system for analytical processing of information to ensure the information base for the adoption and implementation of managerial decisions in the management system of the enterprise. The influence of the subject on the object of management is carried out through the implementation of the adopted managerial decisions, the achievement of the set goals is carried out during the implementation of management functions. Since functions of management (planning, organizing, controlling and leading) can be considered as actions in achieving the goals in the management system, the purpose, objects of analysis and possible management solutions for each function are considered. Analysis is important component of every function, but given the continuity of the management process, analysis can be considered within the framework of the controlling function. The main criteria/indicators at each stage of adoption and implementation of managerial decisions are indicated. Analysis of that indicators helps to ensure the management process with necessary information. The main indicators that can evaluate the management effectiveness of enterprise are summarized. In general, the effectiveness of management is evidenced by the relationship between the set goals and the level of their achievement, that is, between the managerial decisions and their consequences. In the future, it is advisable to consider properly the methods of quantitative evaluation of the enterprise’s management system.


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How to Cite
Iakymchuk, T., & Lysenko, O. (2022). THE PLACE OF ANALYSIS IN THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF ENTERPRISE. Economy and Society, (42).