The article is devoted to highlighting the peculiarities of the budgeting process at food industry enterprises in the conditions of the martial law economy. The goals of the budgeting process are formulated, including: implementation of permanent planning for a certain period; ensuring coordination, cooperation and communication of the company's divisions; encouraging heads of business units to quantify plans; ensuring awareness of the costs associated with the company's activities; creation of bases for evaluation and control of implementation; motivation of workers with the help of orientation towards the achievement of enterprise goals. The peculiarities of the implementation of budgetary targets at enterprises that differ in scope of activity are indicated. The sequence of stages of the budgeting process is schematically depicted with reference to the unit responsible for implementation. According to it, the company's management is responsible for formulating target indicators, agreeing and approving the developed budgets, adjusting the company's activities according to established deviations. Budget units develop draft budgets in accordance with the set targets, participate in the coordination and adjustment of budgets. The budget committee (controlling department) substantiates restrictions on the development of budgets, cooperates with the management and budget units in agreeing and approving budgets, and supervises the implementation of budgets. In the presented study, special attention is paid to budget control, which is proposed to be carried out on the basis of a budget report, which will reflect budget and actual indicators, deviations between them, assessment of deviations for the need for response, reasons for deviations, recommendations for eliminating critical deviations. Quantitative parameters are proposed, according to which negative deviations will be considered critical. The need to develop flexible budgets is emphasized, in which budget indicators are listed in accordance with the actual volumes of activity in order to correctly assess deviations and make management decisions based on them.
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