The article examines theoretical-methodical and practical approaches to the formation of an investment strategy in the context of changes in the organization. The development of the enterprise is related to the investment and innovation component, which will have a certain specificity depending on the main strategic intentions of the entrepreneur at one or another stage of the life cycle. This leads to the need to define certain approaches to the development of an investment strategy. The conceptual vision of investment strategizing in the organization requires considering this issue in the context of changes in activity and determining the specifics of the investment strategy at individual stages of the enterprise's life cycle. The practical formation and use of the investment strategy should be gradually differentiated and combined in a single strategic mechanism of the general strategy and innovative changes. In the process of development and changes, the enterprise tries to ensure a sufficient level of competitiveness, which is determined by the general development strategy, which is detailed by a set of functional strategies, such as product, innovation, investment and others. One of the approaches to investment strategizing is that the investment strategy needs to be determined in the general complex of strategic activities of the enterprise, considering the investment strategy both as a resource and as a functional one. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of developing an investment strategy depending on the stage of the enterprise's life cycle and its goals. The investment strategy should be competitive and portfolio, defensive and offensive, as well as tangential to the innovative component, which will be determined by innovative achievements in the field of engineering and technology, modern global megatrends of change. Depending on the stage of the life cycle, different manifestations of concentration and diversification are characteristic of the specifics of the investment strategy. The investment strategy also involves a change in the share of financial instruments of the production enterprise depending on the stage of the life cycle and other factors. The goal setting of the investment strategy at various stages of the life cycle is to create and improve the company's assets.
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