Keywords: product policy, principles, foreign market, product adaptation, marketing


The article is devoted to the topical issue of adaptation of goods to the international market. At the current stage of the formation and development of market-oriented business, the problem of forming a commodity policy of entrepreneurship is gaining significant relevance. Commodity policy of business signifies its stability in the market and the promotion of competitive positions and is the basis for the promotion of principles and methodology to marketing for practical business activity. Product adaptation involves changing product characteristics in accordance with the conditions of a specific country and the advantages that have developed in the target market. Regardless of whether the new product is intended for the domestic or foreign market, its creation and organization of production are conditioned by the need to meet the needs of existing and potential consumers that have changed or appeared. Product adaptation is one of the most important stages of the trade strategy, thanks to which the company enters the world arena. At the same time, they use both proven methods of promoting their product and those adjusted for local realities. Under conditions of market globalization, product adaptation becomes a necessary part of trade policy for entering the international market. The article reflects the essence and principles of product policy, outlines strategies for product adaptation, reasons for adaptation, its forms and areas. The product, being an integral element of the marketing complex, plays a leading role in determining the types of international marketing and the strategies implemented in foreign markets. The choice of the product, its adaptation for foreign markets represent a complex dynamic multi-stage process, which in the modern world economy can be considered completed only after the closure of the enterprise. In order to meet the needs of buyers on international markets, the company should take into account the specifics of consumer requests. The article highlighted the following principles of adaptation: do not transfer your value system to consumers of products or services in other countries; take into account the attitude of the population of the interested country to domestic and imported goods; take into account the image of the country of origin; adaptation of after-sales service to the conditions of international markets. Adaptation of the product or service to the conditions of the foreign market should be carried out taking into account economic feasibility or with the lowest costs. The most obvious way to reduce costs for this is the standardization of all goods produced on the domestic and foreign markets.


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