Socio-economic reforms of recent decades have made it necessary to review existing theoretical provisions and approaches in enterprise management. The modern external environment of the enterprise's functioning, increasing elements of uncertainty and unpredictability, accelerating scientific, technical and socio-economic development have significantly complicated management processes and determined the need to develop strategic thinking of managers to develop enterprise development strategies. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that, due to the uncertainty of the external environment, it is necessary to more actively implement the mechanism of strategic development of domestic enterprises in the information economy. The purpose of the article is to study the structure of the mechanism of strategic development of domestic enterprises. Analysis of the results of the Enterprise Development study allowed us to establish that most researchers consider only certain components of the strategy when solving the problem of forming an enterprise development strategy in the modern economy, and in general development is considered in a general sense, without taking into account the features of the information economy. The paper offers the author's definition of the concept of "enterprise strategy". A mechanism for forming a strategy for the development of a domestic enterprise in the information economy has been developed. The introduction of the developed mechanism into the practice of strategic development of a domestic enterprise makes it possible to increase its competitiveness, increase sales and reduce the cost of production. The article suggests distinguishing between the process of development of the enterprise management system and the development of certain areas of its activity. Moreover, in these areas of activity, enterprises in the production and management sectors deserve special attention, since it is in these areas that lagging behind world leaders negatively affects the efficiency of the industry. The author proposes an optimization model, the purpose of which is to maximize the quality of management decisions in the development of a mechanism for strategic development of a domestic enterprise. The main directions of improving the company's strategic management system are defined.
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