Keywords: tourism industry, martial law, Russian-Ukrainian war, tourism infrastructure, post-war renewal program


The article is devoted to determination of features of functioning of tourism industry in the conditions of war on the basis of transformations of tourism in Ukraine during the war 2022. The relevance of the study lies in the need to develop tourism as one of the main sectors of the economy during and after the war. The aim of the article is to develop recommendations aimed at restoring the tourism industry affected by the war in Ukraine. In order to achieve the objectives, the importance of the tourist market of Ukraine for the neighboring countries has been determined, its current state has been analyzed and the peculiarities of functioning in war conditions have been established. By results of the analysis of experience of the states which, despite the military conflict, have revived the tourist industry, the recommendations directed on development of tourism in Ukraine were worked out. General scientific methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction were used during the study. According to the results of the study, it was found that tourism in Ukraine is very limited and dependent on stability in the country. Due to the military activities that are ongoing in a number of areas, it has certain peculiarities related to the safety of Ukrainian and foreign citizens: the formation of tourist routes taking into account the presence of bomb shelters, planning tourist trips in accordance with the curfew, compliance with bans in different regions of Ukraine. Despite the difficult situation in the state, tourism continues to function. To restore it in the post-war period it is necessary to include tourism development in the post-war reconstruction programs, negotiate with global hotel chains on their entry to Ukraine, prepare large-scale marketing campaign for foreign markets, develop tourist programs by places of military glory of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, renew the destroyed and damaged tourist infrastructure, promote non-standard formats of tourism, open national tourist offices in developed countries. Practical value of the research consists in possibility of application of directions of development of tourism by the tourist companies resuming their activity in the post-war period.


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How to Cite
Zarubina, A., Sira, E., & Demchuk, L. (2022). PECULIARITIES OF TOURISM IN A STATE OF WAR. Economy and Society, (41).