The article examines tourist facilities, traditions, customs, and ceremonies of Podillia within the framework of effective rural development. It should also be noted that cross-border cooperation with the Republic of Moldova is effectively developing in the region. International trips and festivals are held, in particular «Dniester calls», «I will shelter my mother's shirt to my heart» in the village of Busha. It is rural green tourism, with the help of clean air, ecological products, immersion in the traditions and customs of the Ukrainian people, that awakens curiosity and distracts from the current situation. It should be noted that the «Tourism Development Program in Vinnytsia Region for 2020-2030» provides for the implementation of a set of measures to improve the management system of the tourism industry, the creation and improvement of the regulatory and legal framework for tourism activities, the modernization of the existing material and technical base, the preservation and restoration of historical and architectural monuments of the spiritual culture of the people, improvement of advertising and information activities, marketing research, representation of the region at all-Ukrainian and international tourist exhibitions, creation of conditions for the development of rural green tourism. At the, current stage, the most popular types of tourism for the purposes of travel in Vinnytsia are: cultural and educational, health and wellness, recreational, rural green tourism, event, sports and active tourism. Renewing the spiritual dimension brings leadership into your life. Spiritual renewal is your core, your center, your commitment to your own value system. It feeds from sources that inspire, elevate you, and bind you to the eternal values of humanity. When you leave behind the noise and disharmony, of the city and fully surrender to the harmony and rhythm of nature, you return to important tasks refreshed. And each person has his own, very personal way of spiritual renewal. For some, such a source of renewal can be immersion in great literature, others communicate with nature.
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