The article states that the state customs policy is a system of principles and directions of state activity in the field of protection of customs interests and customs security of Ukraine, regulation of foreign trade, protection of the internal market, development of Ukraine's economy and its integration into the world economy. It is also noted that the state customs policy is a component of the state economic policy and contributes to the provision and implementation of foreign economic objectives and interests of the state. Theoretical aspects of formation and realization of the state customs policy are investigated, namely its functions are defined; the main methods of its implementation are considered and the main historical forms are characterized. It is established that the customs policy includes the principles of movement of goods and vehicles across the customs border of Ukraine; fulfillment of customs formalities; customs regimes; tariff and non-tariff regulation; special protective, anti-dumping and countervailing measures for imports of goods; collection of customs payments; provision of customs benefits; customs control; legal regulation of relations of participants of customs legal relations in protection of the rights and legitimate interests of participants of foreign economic activity. It is noted that the leading role in the formation of state customs policy is played by public authorities. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has a rather wide range of powers for the direct formation and implementation of customs policy. The role of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine in relation to state customs policy is also highlighted, because in accordance with paragraph 3 of the Regulation "On the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine" the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine ensures the formation and implementation of a unified state tax and customs policy. and customs policy. It is determined that for more effective formation and implementation of the customs policy of Ukraine it is appropriate to supplement the Customs Code of Ukraine with a separate article «Purpose, objectives and principles of state customs policy».
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