In modern conditions of the development of economic, social and environmental processes under the influence of factors of military threats, fiscal policy in Ukraine should be stabilized and its regulatory potential in the environmental sphere should be improved. That is why the environmental taxation system in Ukraine, which is adequate to European priorities, should perform a strategic, regulatory function with all possible fiscal and social consequences. The article examines the European priorities of environmental taxation in the fiscal policy of the state. The essential and legal determinants of environmental tax administration in Ukrainian fiscal practice are highlighted. Classification groups are given depending on the object of environmental taxation in the countries of the European Union. It was found that pollution taxes primarily perform a regulatory function, as well as a social and fiscal one. The main forms of using tax instruments for environmental purposes in the countries of the European continent are systematized. It was established that the priority role of the state fiscal and social-ecological policy belongs to the mechanisms of accumulation and distribution of tax revenues. Despite its basic regulatory purpose, the environmental tax is a promising source of revenue for the budget in most countries of the European Union. An analysis of the dynamics of environmental tax accumulation was carried out and insignificant parameters of its share in tax revenues of the Consolidated Budget of Ukraine were revealed. Such a concept may be related to the dominance of the regulatory function over the fiscal function in the Ukrainian and European fiscal practice of environmental tax administration. As a result of the visualization of the ecological curve and the monitoring of trends in the taxation of energy, resources, transport and sources of pollution of the natural environment in the European Union, guidelines for the improvement of environmental taxation in the pragmatism of the implementation of the fiscal policy of Ukraine were formed.
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