Keywords: transport complex, modernization, national economy, infrastructure, martial law


Based on the conducted statistical analysis, it was established that during 2013-2020 the residual value of fixed assets of transport enterprises of Ukraine increased more than three times, mainly due to large enterprises. During the eight-year period, there was a significant improvement in the material and technical base of transport due to the significant amount of funds allocated by businesses and the state for the upgrade of vehicles and transport infrastructure. The worst indicators of the technical condition of fixed assets on the basis of size are large enterprises, the best – small (except for water transport). In terms of subsectors, the worst indicators of the technical condition of fixed assets are land and pipeline transport, as well as warehousing and ancillary activities in the field of transport, the best – the enterprises of aviation and water transport. Despite some positive structural changes, the existing management structure of the transport complex, the level of technological structures, organization of passenger and cargo transportation in many respects do not meet the leading world experience, growing societal requirements, international and European quality standards, Ukraine's integration into the Trans-European Transport Network. Modernization of the enterprises of the transport complex of Ukraine should become a mass and systemic phenomenon, which should be supported by purposeful state and corporate policy. Modernization processes are constrained by the following factors: lack of financial resources for innovation due to reduced traffic, low profitability of enterprises due to outdated material and technical base, the presence of state regulation of tariffs for transportation, the loss of preferential transportation; lagging behind the processes of innovation in practice from the needs of the time. The purpose of modernization of the transport complex of Ukraine is to provide business entities and the population with high quality transport services, improve transport infrastructure and tariff policy, accelerate the liberalization of customs procedures for transit of goods and passengers. The future of the occupation includes the implementation of public-private partnership projects, concession agreements, attracting international aid, grants for the reconstruction of the national economy and integration into European and global transport systems.


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How to Cite
Smerichevskyi, S., Raicheva, L., & MykhalchenkoО. (2022). PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF MODERNIZATION OF THE TRANSPORT COMPLEX OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMY. Economy and Society, (38).