Keywords: strategic planning, strategic management, stages of management evolution, adaptive and innovative management, digitalization, globalization, investment in human capital


The presented article focuses on the study of the evolutionary development of strategic management. The relevance of this study is caused by the increase in the importance of strategic management in business activities, the expansion of technologies and methods of its application in practice to increase production efficiency and ensure the increase of the enterprise's potential. As a result, there was a need for a deeper understanding of the patterns of evolution of strategic management and further development of its theory based on the acquired knowledge. The problem that is solved in this scientific work is a detailed analysis of the modern, little-researched stage of the evolutionary process that corresponds to the current socio-economic conditions. This stage is proposed to be characterized as an innovative and adaptive stage of strategic management. The purpose of the article is to determine the features, characteristic features of the latest stage, methods of business management in the present time for the successful implementation and application of strategic management at innovation-oriented modern enterprises. The methodology of this research is the analysis and systematization of existing scientific developments and theories, as well as the generalization of new knowledge in tabular and graphic representation. The result of the work is the highlighting of the characteristic features of the stage of innovative and adaptive management. Its differences from the previous stages of the development of strategic management are also formulated, the methods inherent in each stage of the evolutionary process of strategic management are studied and systematized. The practical value of the conducted scientific research lies in the application of the identified features and methods of management at the modern innovative-adaptive stage in the conditions of intensifying competition on the market, as well as the expansion of strategic management methods at the new modern stage of the evolutionary process. The characteristic features of the modern stage of strategic management testify to its significant differences from the previous ones, which requires further development of the theory of strategic management, as well as the development of appropriate methodological support and implementation in practical activities.


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How to Cite
Dovbnya, S., & Papusha, I. (2022). EVOLUTION OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT AND FEATURES OF ITS CURRENT STAGE. Economy and Society, (40). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-40-54