The article defines the essence and evaluates the indicators of the labor market in Ukraine for the period 2011-2021. The dynamics of unemployment were analyzed and its impact on the economic situation of the country was determined. The quantitative parameters of the labor potential were calculated, and the employment of the population by types of economic activity was also considered. It is established that a particularly sharp drop in the level of economic activity began in 2021, which was associated with the СOVID-19 pandemic, and continues in 2022 due to military actions in Ukraine. At the same time, for the period 2011-2021, the level of official unemployment increased from 8.6 to 10.3%. Against this background, the number of employed population of working age decreased by 19.2%. The reason for the reduction of the labor potential in Ukraine is dissatisfaction with the level of wages, inconsistency in the fields of employment, a pandemic of a global scale, military actions in the country, difficulties with finding a job, and others. The threatening situation on the labor market is further complicated by the fact that, despite the annual increase in the minimum wage, there is no revival of turnover on the goods market, which, in turn, does not allow entrepreneurs to create new jobs. It has been proven that the state of employment of the population is formed under the influence of numerous factors, the analysis of the action of which shows that their integral consequence in the current conditions has been the absolute reduction of those employed in the leading branches of the domestic economy. Overcoming negative trends in the field of population employment is seen in its modernization on the basis of prioritizing the promotion of new jobs and the preservation of effective jobs by means of state regulatory influence as a set of specific tasks in the form of a strategy of indicative plans through the creation of a state system for monitoring and forecasting the development of professions and stimulating measures to productive employment. Therefore, on the basis of the conducted analysis, in order to preserve the labor potential of the country, it is necessary to develop a program to stimulate employment of the population in Ukraine at the state level. In which priority role in coordinating efforts should be given to the constructive work of employment centers, private structures, local territorial communities.
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