The article analyzes the trends of the influence of migration processes on the development of the world economy and the system of international economic relations and their influence on the movement of the international workforce and changes in approaches to their analysis in the context of globalization transformations. It is indicated that joining globalization processes is definitely a positive phenomenon. It was emphasized that when entering the world space, countries find themselves in strikingly unequal conditions. States acquire faster rates of economic development, but lose in the level of social indicators. The need to determine the direction of migration's influence on the socio-economic situation of the country is well-founded, which requires constant improvement of the system of regulation of international labor migration in order to obtain socio-economic advantages from the state's participation in migration processes. It is noted that the regulation of migration at the state level requires, in particular, the ratification of all agreements between the governments of Ukraine and the respective states on mutual employment of citizens and on cooperation in the field of labor migration and social protection of migrant workers. It was emphasized that there are several directions of state regulation of migration: protection of national interests and national security from illegal immigration; social protection of the country’s citizens abroad; regulation of migration in the context of optimization of internal and external markets. It is indicated that labor migration should be an engine of progress and exchange of labor experience between Ukraine and other European countries in order to create the most comfortable working conditions for our workers in Ukraine. It is suggested that in order to return the majority of workers to work in their native country, it is necessary to create more jobs by restoring many factories and supporting and promoting the development of Ukrainians’ own small and medium-sized businesses. It is also necessary to increase the average wage level to the European level, focusing on such countries as Germany, Austria, Italy and other highly developed European countries.
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