Keywords: science, knowledge, scientific research activity, scientific research, methodology, principles of methodological research


The main idea of considering the issue of scientific research activity is that it is the engine of scientific and technical progress, forming a generation of young scientists and driving scientific, cultural, social, economic, political development, we can observe a direct dependence of these processes. Scientific research is the foundation for describing the entire surrounding world, it is a tool for comprehensive cognition of phenomena and processes that form knowledge of human activities. The nature of scientific research activity, its specifics and peculiarities are reviewed in the article, reveals the next meanings in terms of modern trends of such concepts as: science and scientific research. The article states that scientific research can have different goals, for example, practical or cognitive, and depending on this research can be divided into: fundamental research, exploratory studies, applied research. Types of scientific activities were provided, among which scientific research activity was considered in more details. It was found that science is a rapidly developing activity that does not stand still and needs updated views of the young generation of the 21st century. It was revealed that the process of development of scientific activity undergoes significant changes and forms new trends, this requires new approaches and adaptation to modern realities. The rapid level of progress that we can observe during the last century shows the relevance of this topic. Scientific and research activities have a direct impact on this progress and this is an opportunity to forecast the trends, pace and direction of the movement of science and its development in general. The stages and levels of scientific research are considered in the article. The true meaning and fundamental essence of the methodology and methods of scientific research are emphasized, the structure of scientific research methods is revealed. The historical background of scientific research activity was considered and it was determined that such activity requires new breakthrough ideas immediately. Modern trends to the development and improvement of the approach to the development of scientific research are indicated.


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How to Cite
Holiuk, V., Lutsenko, I., & Nahorna, I. (2022). CURRENT TRENDS AND SPECIFICS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ACTIVITIES. Economy and Society, (40).