Keywords: service, service management, sanatoriums, anatorium-resort complex, sanatorium-resort services


The urgency of the problem of service management of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex is caused by such factors as increased competition in the market of sanatorium-resort services, which is caused by an increase in supply; increasing the availability of rest at the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex for tourists; reducing the cost of tickets; the need to find innovative components of a sanatorium-resort product to increase tourist attractiveness. The article is devoted to actual problems of service management of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex. In the conditions of the market economy, the competition between the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex of Ukraine and Odesa region, in particular, grew, and this fact focuses attention on the level of service of these enterprises. Competition encourages to provide higher quality services and determines the need for service management of sanatorium-resort complex enterprises. The conditions on which the principle of co-evolution at the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex and its implementation in the process of organizing service activities are based are analyzed. The modern state of service management of enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex of the Odesa region was considered, and indicators of service quality were determined. A factorial model of the causes and contradictions of low-quality service in sanatorium-resort enterprises is presented. The personnel of sanatorium-resort, recreation and health-care enterprises must understand the service needs of vacationers, their wishes and future requirements and expectations. This will make it possible to create real values for consumers of services and ensure effective service management of sanatorium-resort and wellness enterprises. Good service has a positive effect on the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and loyalty systems, which are used today in large network companies, but it has not yet found its proper position in the sanatorium-resort sector. All enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex must systematically conduct a service audit of the internal corporate standard and also try to improve it every time for more efficient operation of the enterprise. Thanks to the evaluation of the quality of services and the internal corporate standard, it is possible to observe the dynamics of qualitative changes in the enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex.


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How to Cite
Niecheva, N., & Davidenko, I. (2022). TRENDS OF SERVICE MANAGEMENT ENTERPRISES OF THE SANATORIUM AND SPA COMPLEX. Economy and Society, (40).