The protection of rights and legal interests of business entities and its creditors is carried out within the limits of the statute of limitations, the terms of which are provided for by The Civil Code of Ukraine. However, in fact, there is a subjective use of the statute of limitations in bankruptcy cases. The unequal application of statute of limitations in cases involving business entities, in relation to which a bankruptcy case has been opened, is revealed in following: determination of the statute of limitations beginning; assessment of the facts of statute of limitations interruption; assessment of the validity of reasons for skipping the statute of limitations. The investigation of economic and legal aspects of application of the statute of limitations in cases of bankruptcy of enterprises (in particular, regarding the identification of valid reasons for the omission of statute of limitations, the determination of statute of limitations beginning, the violation of the debtor's illegally restored economic turnover) becomes particularly relevant in this context. The purpose of the article is to analyze the circumstances which can be qualified as valid reasons for the omission of statute of limitations in consideration by commercial courts of cases based on claims (statements) of business entities, in respect of which a bankruptcy case has been opened in accordance with The Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures. Current legal requirements regarding the limitation of action concept, terms and rules for its calculation, requirements and consequences of distribution are considered. The need for a detailed study of issues related to determination of the start date of statute of limitations and the seriousness of reasons for its omission is outlined. The main legal prerequisites and economic consequences of statute of limitations’ application in bankruptcy cases of business entities are characterized. There are considered reasons and legal consequences of not applying to the court of management and founders of enterprise regarding: hiding information, improper performance of professional duties.
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