Hotel chains, which are a significant segment of the world's hospitality industry, which have established high standards of customer service and specific features, have covered a significant segment of the hotel services market in Ukraine as well. At the same time, international hotel chains entered the hotel market of Ukraine, and national hotel chains were also founded. Therefore, for the further development of the country's hotel business and the development of recommendations for individual accommodation establishments, it is necessary to take into account the presence of competition in the form of hotel chains, which determines the relevance of the study. The purpose of the article is to analyze the peculiarities of the functioning of international and national hotel chains on the territory of Ukraine, as well as their impact on the hotel business. The work examines the main existing approaches of modern scientists to the definition of the concept of "hotel chain". Based on the results of the data analysis of hotel chain sites, the peculiarities of the functioning of national chains of Ukraine – Premier Hotels and Resorts, Reikartz Hotel Group and Ribas Hotels Group, as well as global chains operating in the market of accommodation services of Ukraine – Radisson Hotels, Holiday Inn, were investigated. The information characterizing the national chains operating in Ukraine has been researched, analyzed and grouped in the form of diagrams, which visually summarize information about each of the national chains: establishments; Location; concept of the institution; services; as well as level and brands, for those chains that allocate them. Conclusions were made regarding the presence of hotel chains in Ukraine that provide a high level of service, the introduction of chain specialization and the attraction of global hotel chains to the market. The conducted study of the peculiarities of the functioning of hotel chains in Ukraine and the obtained work results can be applied in practice to determine the possibilities and ways of joining a separate hotel establishment to a functioning hotel chain and increasing its competitiveness in the hotel services market of Ukraine. Generalized information about national hotel chains can be used both in the process of training future specialists and for further research by scientists.
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