Keywords: trade (trade) policy, trade (trade) strategy, exit strategies foreign market, direct exports, indirect exports, joint exports, compensation agreements


Any enterprise at the stage of active development and stable business activity begins to expand economic ties and seeks to enter foreign markets. The modern international market creates extremely great prospects for domestic enterprises. But at the same time he puts forward his additional demands. A characteristic feature of foreign markets is fierce competition, therefore entering the foreign market requires the use of only modern enterprise management methods. It can be concluded that the problem of developing a strategy for entering the foreign market is an urgent issue, the solution of which is devoted to this article. A correctly chosen strategy, correctly set mission, goals and objectives of the company. This will allow the company to function effectively in the foreign market, which will lead to a leading position in the future. A strategy is a specific management plan of actions aimed at achieving set goals. It defines how the organization will function and develop, as well as what entrepreneurial, competitive and functional activities and actions will be taken to achieve the desired state of the organization. The development of a strategy for entering a foreign market has certain features, it must take into account laws, international standards, traditions of countries, corporations and markets to which it is planned to enter. The article defines the factors that determine the necessity and possibility of the company entering the foreign market: factors of market potential and market environment, technological, economic, competitive factors. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the company's strategies for entering the foreign market: export of goods and services, compensation agreements, joint ventures, etc. The work reflects the main advantages and disadvantages of the described strategies. The originality of the author's approach lies in the fact that the strategies of enterprises entering the foreign market are considered in relation to their trade policy. The scientific novelty of the study arises from the deepening of already existing theoretical aspects of the development of strategies for entering foreign markets. Thus, using the development process and a structural approach to the release strategy, there are 12 component stages that the company must go through in order to enter the foreign market, the main among them is the ability to analyze the strengths and position on the market. A corresponding logical-structural scheme is presented, which highlights individual stages and main tasks of developing a strategy for entering foreign markets.


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