Keywords: agricultural sector, sustainable development, sustainable development goals, state regulation, state support measures, organic agriculture


The article reveals the essence of the influence of the agrarian sector of the economy on the sustainable development of rural areas. It is indicated that the development of rural areas during the last two decades is connected with the reforming of the agrarian sector of the economy. It is emphasized that the peculiarity of the economic support of the sustainable development of the agrarian sphere is its socio-ecological orientation. It was determined that structural changes in the agrarian sector of the economy had a negative impact on the standard of living of the rural population. It was noted that a significant role in the removal of social tension in society belongs to individual peasant farms. It is indicated that the development of the agrarian sector of the economy is an integral part of the strategy of revitalization of rural areas. Attention is focused on the fact that despite the positive dynamics of macroeconomic indicators of agriculture, a number of negative processes are observed at the local level, which pose a threat to the sustainable development of rural communities. Ways of reviving rural areas under sustainability conditions are proposed, which are based on the transformation of socio-economic relations in the state with the aim of more active participation of the rural population in the distribution of the public product. It was concluded that in order to ensure a stable ecological situation in the process of agro-industrial production, it is necessary to form, finance and implement targeted state and regional programs aimed at the development of organic agriculture, rational use of land resources, improvement of food quality and protection of the natural environment. It was emphasized that Ukraine's participation in international organizations, the need to implement the European Association Agreement, and other circumstances require in the agricultural sphere compliance with the principles, criteria and corresponding identity of sustainable development agreed upon by them, the expansion of integration processes, which still remains an important task of politicians, legislators, officials, and self-government bodies, scientists and direct participants of the agricultural market. Sustainable development is possible under the conditions of the formation of long-term unity and interconnection regarding the reproduction of production potential, human resources and the natural environment. A decisive role in ensuring the sustainability of the development of the agricultural sector and its individual branches is played by adjusting the effects of external and internal factors, as well as taking into account the need to combine the involved components. Therefore, sustainable development should be perceived not as overcoming anthropogenic problems, but also as a basis for the most effective use of the potential of the sector.


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