A significant decline in financial stability of Ukraine may be defined as one of the critical problem of modern times. Accordingly, finding ways to transformation of tools for ensuring sustainable of the Ukrainian financial sector is particularly important. It was determined that war, as a global destructive fenomen, has established the grounds for introduce unprecedented changes in enforcement of the financial sector; first of all, transformations in the use of tools for supporting financial stability were considered a necessary and constructive step. Since the notion of “financial stability” may be construed as an integral, multi-component indicator this has required a changes in different tools of financial support, in particular, in fiscal, budgetary, monetary developments etc. By defining financial stability of Ukraine to one of the basic priority in the context of war, the importance of researching is only mounting. The article is devoted to the analysis of the ensuring financial stability of Ukraine in the context of war conditions, as well as changes in tools for supporting sustainable of the financial sector as a critical step towards to guarantee the smooth operation of the economic, financial, budgetary, banking and credit system. In this science paper the essence of financial stability of Ukraine and its dependence on military action was determined. The tools, which deployed to maintain for ensuring financial stability nowadays, as well as importance of revision to the current practices of support financial sector sustainable was compiled by authors. Based on complexity of financial stability as an indicator, the authors of the study analysed the current changing in accordance with in the different field of management, first of all in in fiscal, budgetary, monetary policies and other. It was defined that only complex assessment of its efficiency is an important step on the way to financial stability of Ukraine under war conditions, and in post-conflict recovery too.
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