Keywords: globalization, capital, accounting and analytical support, functions, principles, economic activity, profit, tax on withdrawn capital


Since its inception, Ukraine, as a sovereign state, under the influence of globalization, has been creating conditions for business development by improving tax legislation and harmonizing accounting rules and regulations in accordance with international accounting and financial reporting standards. The article substantiates the necessity and advantages of introducing a tax on withdrawn capital and develops methodological approaches to accounting and analytical support for taxation of withdrawn capital in the context of globalization. Namely: the conceptual bases of accounting and analytical support of taxation of withdrawn capital are substantiated, where the author's definition of accounting and analytical support of taxation of withdrawn capital is given, as a set of processed accounting and non-accounting information intended for capital management at the enterprise (organization) for reinvestment into the system and provides for the process of collecting, registering and processing accounting information at the stage of accounting; control, verification, at the stage of audit and analysis and planning, forecasting at the stage of analytical work in order to provide users with reliable and unbiased information. It is established that the basis of accounting and analytical support for the taxation of withdrawn capital should be the information base of capital management (profit), which should consider both external and internal sources of information. A three-stage model of providing accounting and analytical information for the process of making managerial decisions on reinvestment of profits is developed, due to changes in income taxation (introduction of taxation of withdrawn capital) in Ukraine as an effective source of accounting and analytical support for reinvestment of profits for management decisions from sustainable development. The role of accounting and analytical support of the withheld capital tax in the integrated mechanism of sustainable development of entrepreneurial activity, which puts into operation the subsystem of accounting and analytical support of income taxation in the introduction of the withheld capital tax (WCT) of Ukraine is analyzed. The basic postulates of such support are the conceptual foundations of accounting and analytical support of business and in conditions of sustainable development. In general, based on the results of elaboration of methodological approaches to accounting and analytical support of taxation of withdrawn capital in their conditions can be defined as those to be introduced in Ukraine subject to changes in tax legislation to simplify the system of accounting support of capital taxation and improve its analytical component which should serve the purpose of reinvesting profits in the sustainable development of entrepreneurial activity. Therefore, further research should be aimed at making changes to the basic accounting model of income taxation, in terms of the introduction of taxation of withdrawn capital, which in turn requires additional work on the part of both scientists and practitioners.


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