Keywords: martial law, security, business, uncertainty, risk, adaptation, security management, antisipative management


The article is devoted to the research of topical issues concerning the peculiarities of business security management in the conditions of martial law. It is noted that most business entities operate in a changed and quite intensive mode of operation, which is characterized by uncertainty and constant change in some areas, and the operating conditions carry new dangers and a large number of risks. The concept of martial law is studied, the decomposition of the legally regulated definition of this concept is studied, the conditions of martial law are characterized. The essence of the concept of security is specified taking into account the aspects which consideration is inherent in application in the conditions of martial law. The passive and active components of economic security are distinguished. It is established that the passive component implies the absence of certain conditions that cause danger for its operation, and the active component involves the actions of the management subsystem, aimed at minimizing the effects of hazardous factors. It is noted that under normal conditions, the passive component of the security of the business entity can be combined with the active component in certain proportions. It is substantiated that in the conditions of martial law the active component of ensuring security becomes of exceptional importance. It is proved that in the conditions of martial law the management of business security is reduced to making timely and adequate management decisions on the selection and implementation of actions that can minimize the negative impact of risk factors, or even turn it into new opportunities. The peculiarities of uncertainty and risk of doing business, which are much more intense in martial law, have been studied. The application of adaptive management techniques to minimize the impact of negative factors on the functioning of business entities is justified. The essence and features of antisipative management are considered. The expediency of application of antisipative control on the basis of detection of weak signals in the conditions of martial law is proved.


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How to Cite
Verkhoglyadova, N. (2022). FEATURES OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP SECURITY MANAGEMENT IN CONDITIONS OF WARE. Economy and Society, (39). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-39-56