Keywords: global problems of mankind, tourism, rural green tourism, innovative cluster model, means of accommodation of tourists, synergistic effect


In the context of globalization of economic life for the economy in the country remains relevant issue of manufacturing competitive products that meet international quality standards and ensure the economic security of the state. What are the prospects for agricultural production? Who should dominate it: a family farm that preserves the rural population and its historical traditions, or industrialized agricultural giants? The article considers ways of increasing the competitiveness of domestic rural tourism. Investigated advantages of the innovation cluster model for regional development based on a synergistic effect. At this stage for Ukraine, in general and Vinnitsa region, in particular, is very relevant research and implementation of innovative strategies to ensure effective development of tourism industry. Foreign experience shows that government support rural development, infrastructure, information, logistics systems. Special attention also deserves issue of certification and categorization. One of the important reasons for the study of foreign and domestic experience and create integrated organizations is to reduce transaction costs (advertising products, negotiation). Summarizes the problems that were highlighted at the national forum on rural / green tourism in the framework of the project of the NGO "development Center pangeya Ultima" with the support of the Embassy of Finland in Ukraine. The forum began effective cooperation of the Ministry of agrarian policy and food, the Department of tourism and resorts of Ministry of economic development and trade, local authorities, a significant number of scientific research institutions, educational institutions, tour operators, catering establishments. The advantages of creating an "Eco-center in the Wall" in the village of Wall of Vinnytsia region are analyzed. A project model of relations in the tourist and recreational cluster "Vinnytsia" is proposed, special attention is paid to the organization of recreation at home in rural areas, the manufacture of environmental products and the development of crafts.


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How to Cite
Tabenska, O. (2021). FEATURES OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT GREEN TOURISM IN VINNITSA REGION. Economy and Society, (23). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-23-2