In the current conditions of development of the international tourism and hotel industry, national enterprises of the hospitality industry continue to undergo significant transformations. This situation has developed due to the constant dynamic changes and dependence of the tourism and hotel business on innovation, the latest technologies and developments, which contributes to improving the quality of service. For most countries, tourism is one of the most profitable sectors of the economy. For Ukraine, the modern development of the hospitality industry is one of the factors of economic growth and prosperity of the country. The use in practice of economic and mathematical modeling to find and make management decisions about the activities of the hospitality industry is one of the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of the enterprise. The use of economic modeling and innovative technologies provides an opportunity to obtain greater profitability from economic activity. Modern models of improving the efficiency of the hospitality industry are based on an innovative approach and economic and mathematical modeling of the influence of factors. The study of economic processes in the hospitality industry is usually accompanied by the use of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting, which allows to ensure the scientific validity and optimization of plans. In today's market conditions in the hospitality industry, significant results can be obtained through economic and mathematical modeling, namely – correlation and regression analysis. The main feature of this method is the ability not only to establish the degree of influence of certain factors on the profitability of the hospitality industry, but also allows you to plan the amount of profit in a particular direction of change of the above factors. Economic and mathematical modeling of factors influencing the efficiency of the hospitality industry, in particular econometric models requires understanding that the foundation of the modeling process should be the analysis of quantitative data describing the economic phenomenon, while qualitative features are included in the modeling as possible economic phenomenon or process.
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