The purpose of the study is aimed at developing practical recommendations for the use of effective tax and accounting levers for the liberalization of the banking sector to revive the socio-economic development of Ukraine. Taxation of income from bank deposits and consolidation of fees to optimize tax accounting has not been considered in any of the last published scientific papers. This creates interest in the issue of taxation of income from bank deposits and possible ways to optimize tax accounting in banks. Therefore, the search for possible measures to improve tax policy aimed at reviving the tax activity of banking institutions is today an uncertain and multifaceted problem that requires comprehensive research and effective socio-economic proposals. Methods of analysis, deduction, systematization, comparison, induction, measurement were used in the research. It has been proven that with the help of the tax lever of liberalization in the form of the abolition of taxation of income from bank deposits, the state, businesses and individuals will receive economic benefits that will further improve their social development. Also, the use of accounting optimization, such as combining a large number of fees into a single tax, should optimize tax accounting in banks, which will contribute to the economic development of the institution and improve the social status of bank employees and other counterparties. The originality and practical significance of the results of the study is confirmed by the developed tax levers of liberalization of banking institutions to revive the socio-economic development of the country through the introduction of tax benefits, namely the abolition of taxation of bank deposits with save 1.5% military fee the number of fees in a single tax in order to optimize tax accounting in banks. The obtained calculations, analysis of credit and deposit portfolios of JSC UkrSibbank, study of the dynamics of paid income tax paid by the institution are a justification that the proposed tax levers of liberalization are practically significant, and in the future can be implemented at the state level. The implementation of the tax lever for the liberalization of the banking sector is a new, previously unproposed process, and therefore contains practical significance.
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