The issue of marketing and distribution of agricultural products produced by domestic agrarians is one of the most relevant problems for the development of Ukraine's agricultural sector. In the course of the research it was found that the low level of logistics processes and logistics infrastructure, which currently exists, is a critical factor for the further development of the agricultural sector in the country. It is stated that the solution of problems of logistical service in the agrarian sphere requires new innovative approaches on the basis of integration and taking into account the globalization processes. The creation of an agro-logistical hub as an innovative form of logistics centre will help to solve the problem of logistics supply in the agricultural business. This article analyses the activities of agro-logistical hubs in Ukraine. It is noted that a characteristic feature of domestic logistics is that it is becoming more and more multifunctional from the perspective of warehouse complexes. The essence, purpose and meaning of the concept of a «logistical hub» and an «agro-logistical hub» are defined. The objectives and possibilities of a logistical hub for the agricultural sector are outlined. The key advantages and disadvantages of the creation and operation of agro-logistical hubs have been identified. It is acknowledged that agro-logistical hubs require state support and funding for their activities. Mechanisms and measures of state support are outlined. Perspectives for the development of agro-logistical hubs in Ukraine are indicated and problems that may obstruct their activities are outlined. In conclusion, in order to realize the potential of Ukraine as a country with a strong agricultural sector, it is necessary to pay particular attention to the development of agro-logistical infrastructure and increasing the efficiency of its activities. To ensure the process of agricultural business development it is necessary to develop such agrarian logistical and infrastructural projects, which can become the locomotives of Ukraine's economic growth. Such projects are agro-logistical hubs themselves.
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