In this paper, the authors outline the main issues regarding the development trend of the industry and the assessment of prospects in the domestic market. The study is relevant, due to competition from foreign companies, and a small supply of resources to a fairly large market. The purpose of the article is to identify problems in the functioning of the pharmaceutical market and analyze the competitiveness of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical market is one of the fastest growing in the world, due to constant innovation and modernization of medicines and medical equipment. However, medicines are mainly produced by a small number of developed countries. The share of the largest manufacturers of medicines, which include the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and the Netherlands, exceeds 75%. Ukraine is dependent on foreign manufacturers of medicines and does not meet the needs of the population. It is also worth highlighting the relevance of the study, against the background of the development of the industry as a whole and the need for comprehensive research in this direction. The author has collected the main theoretical aspects of the formation of the pharmaceutical market, so in this paper comprehensively outlines the presented market. The research will include analysis of the market of pharmacological products of Ukraine, comparison with European practices, outlining the main problems in the market and potential ways to solve them. The authors will also point out some development trends that are currently inherent in the market for further better understanding of the situation and more effective implementation of preventive measures. The results are general conclusions on development prospects and analytical recommendations. The basis of the work was to outline the problems related to the modern pharmaceutical market and trends in it. The definition of ways and methods of solving the described problems are of a recommendatory and theoretical nature, but all the work is generally informative and understandable to people who do not have complex terminology or do not have the appropriate scientific and professional degrees.
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