Keywords: innovation, innovative development, invention, discovery, innovationclassification of innovations


The article is devoted to topical issues of innovative development of the crop industry, the essence of innovative development of agricultural enterprises is investigated. The main factors influencing the innovative development of enterprises are described: financial, logistical, investment, information support. It is determined that the innovation process is considered as an object of management and analysis from the standpoint of the process and from the standpoint of the result. Approaches to the classification of factors of innovative development of enterprises are considered, the classifications are divided into technological (product and process) and non-technological (organizational and marketing). A comparative description of the concepts of «invention», «discovery», «innovation» and «innovation». It was revealed that further development of agricultural enterprises, increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is possible only if the transition to an innovative model of development. The development of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine in the crop industry, which has an integrated structure in the form of agricultural holdings, highlights innovations, which according to the level of novelty are divided into new for the unification of enterprises. Within the framework of integrated structures, the dissemination of non-technological and technological innovations can develop quite rapidly, which is due to differences in information exchange between their participants and the availability of qualified and motivated professionals. Innovation as a consequence of innovative activity (product or service, technology, organizational and technical solution) is a transition and interpretation of the essence of innovation in the system of agricultural production. They are subject to the classification of innovations. The complexity and scale of changes in agricultural enterprises of Ukraine has a high rate of innovative development, compared to other sectors of the economy that stand out in the background. Innovation as a consequence of innovative activity (product or service, technology, organizational and technical solution) is a transition and interpretation of the essence of innovation in the system of agricultural production.


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