Keywords: security threats, threat identification, protection, security of socio-economic system, security indicators


The current situation in the country has revealed the problem of the lack of an established system of identification, counteraction and elimination of negative consequences due to threats to the security of socio-economic systems at all levels. Therefore, research on the methodological and practical aspects of economic reconstruction, the formation of strategies for sustainable development of the country and the system of identification and response to economic threats is relevant. The purpose of the article is to analyze the dynamics of security indicators of complex socio-economic systems. The dynamics of some indicators of systemic security threats at different levels of the hierarchy are studied: the ratio of disposable income to gross domestic product, employment in the informal sector, the share of food expenditures in household expenditures, the ratio of public debt and external debt to gross domestic product. It is determined that ensuring the security of socio-economic systems must be carried out at all levels of the hierarchy for the effective development of environmental, social and economic development, which will help increase competitiveness at the appropriate levels. It is emphasized that the basis for ensuring the security of socio-economic systems is the formation of a structure capable of self-organization based on research, streamlining and improving the links between the elements of the system from the standpoint of structural stability. The process of identifying threats to the security of socio-economic systems necessitates a comprehensive approach to this process, as the system under study is complex, dynamic and open, and therefore significantly affected by the changing environment and requires thorough analysis. Prevention of negative changes that contribute to the transition of the socio-economic system to the critical zone is based on the need for constant monitoring, forecasting and modelling of possible negative impacts. Such tasks can be performed using a cognitive model, which allows you to assess and model the behaviour of complex systems, generate many scenarios and analyze alternative scenarios.


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How to Cite
Didenko, A., & Protopopova, N. (2022). PROTECTION OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: ANALYSIS AND MODELING. Economy and Society, (38).