The article analyzes the basic principles and criteria for transport support of foreign trade operations. It is argued that the priority when choosing a vehicle for the international transportation of a particular product along a certain route is the analysis of the characteristic features of various modes of transport (road, rail, water, air, etc.) and their possible combination if necessary. The loyalty of the choice made must be confirmed by the relevant economic calculations, taking into account all the costs of transportation and customs clearance, as well as possible delays at interstate borders. So, the correct choice of modes of transport or their combination when delivering goods contributes to the rationalization of the movement of goods. The difference between the methods of transportation lies in the ratio of modes of transport in the supply chain, the difference in the right to ensure the delivery of goods. Attention is focused on the need for greater use of multimodal transportation, especially taking into account martial law in Ukraine and the impossibility of using certain modes of transport at the moment. The need to take into account when choosing transport such a criterion as environmental friendliness and environmental impact, which is important for the further integration of Ukraine's transport infrastructure into the world transport system, is argued. It is emphasized that the Policy of the European Union in the field of multimodal transport is aimed primarily at protecting the environment by reorienting a significant part of transportation carried out by road to the use of more environmentally friendly modes of transport. The use of multimodal transportation in the organization of foreign trade operations, in which this is justified, will create prerequisites for strengthening and preserving the health of the population, reducing the level of air pollution. In addition, multimodal transport systems use a logistics approach that allows you to combine all parts of the system into a single system in order to optimize costs and minimize time losses with possible downtime of transport during customs control and fulfill the requirements of the permit system for international transportation.
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Закон України «Про мультимодальні перевезення» від 17.11.2021 № 1887-IX URL: (дата звернення: 29.05.2022).
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Zakon Ukrainy «Pro multymodalni perevezennia»від 17.11.2021 № 1887-IX Retrieved from: (accessed 29 May, 2022). (in Ukrainian)