Keywords: marketing management, management system, marketing tools, efficiency, organization, enterprise


The article deals with the concept “marketing management” and the process of marketing management at the enterprise. The place of marketing management in the implementation of the enterprise’s marketing concepts has been clarified. Recent publications on the marketing management formation and development at the enterprise have been analyzed. The role of marketing and management in the enterprise management system has been considered. The tools and principles of marketing management organization, as auxiliary means and methods of marketing management at the enterprise have been investigated. It has been established that marketing management is a complex system aimed at ensuring the stability of all spheres of enterprises’ activity in modern market conditions. The main elements and stages of the enterprise’s marketing management system formation have been investigated. It has been established that a systematic approach to the enterprise’s marketing management involves the use of marketing tools in the management process. The main focus is on the study of marketing management as an innovative approach to enterprise management, which will achieve optimal economic performance and positive social effect by reconciling the interests of owners, employees and the social network as a whole. It has been established that the enterprise’s marketing management system organization and improvement will give an opportunity to increase its competitiveness. It has been substantiated that in a competitive environment, the profitability of enterprises can be ensured by its management, which is based on marketing tools. It has been determined that the systematic application of a set of marketing components affects the attention of consumers to the enterprise and goods / services. It has been established that the effective organization of marketing management at the enterprise is provided in the process of the economic entity’s activity through the relationship of management and marketing functions. Improving the enterprise’s efficiency is the basis of marketing potential, which determines the direction of development and affects competitiveness.


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