The article examines the essence of the concept of "social entrepreneurship" and outlines the features of its implementation in modern conditions on the example of the transport industry. The authors outline the key directions and prerequisites for the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, identify priority areas for its formation and factors influencing its effective further development. It is determined that this is a unique opportunity to combine two directions in modern conditions: solving social problems and obtaining economic benefits. The peculiarities of state regulation in the field of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine, the main structures that provide informational, methodological and coordination support for this type of business are studied. Features of realization of separate programs and directions of social business on an example of transport branch are resulted. It is determined that, as a rule, social entrepreneurship is called only that business that directs a certain part of its own profits to solve a specific social problem. But, as experience shows, this is not the case. A special and distinctive feature is that social entrepreneurship is characterized by a balance: a clear and calculated business model and a social component that solves the problems of the community or vulnerable group, or environmental needs through business money. The authors of the article define that social entrepreneurship and socially responsible business are one and the same.In particular, social entrepreneurship directs all its profits to address social or environmental issues and is usually created for this purpose, and socially responsible business - can only direct part of its profits to the needs of the community. parts of the movement of people (passenger traffic) and cargo (both humanitarian and special purpose). Since in a state of war, everything must work comprehensively and systematically and in the interaction of business with government agencies to address priority issues of social orientation.
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