Keywords: cost value, product cost intensity, factor analysis, deterministic models, multiplicative model, factor indicators, method for assessing the isolated influence of factors


The paper is devoted to the substantiation of the methodology for factor analysis of the product cost intensity at the restaurant industry enterprises. The place and tasks of the cost value production analysis of in the cost management system at the restaurant industry enterprises have been determined. The choice of the main object of the analysis of the dynamics of the production cost value and its deviation from the planned level under the diversified production has been substantiated. As such, it is proposed to use the product cost intensity in terms of costs per UAH 1 of marketable products, which have a number of significant advantages over absolute indicators of the cost value. The expediency of using the methods of factor modeling in the analysis of the indicator of the product cost intensity has been proved. The types and place of deterministic models in the toolkit of factor analysis for economic indicators have been considered. The advantages and disadvantages of the latter have been revealed in comparison with the methods of correlation and regression analysis. A critical analysis of the traditional approach to the construction of a multiplicative model of the cost indicator per UAH 1 of commercial products has been given. It has been proved that the composition of the factors included in the traditional model can be used exclusively in the context of factor analysis of the raw material cost value of production in terms of the consumption of raw materials per UAH 1 of commercial products. In order to obtain the correct results of the analysis of the product cost value intensity calculated at full cost, it is necessary to make significant changes to the factor model, namely: due to the inclusion in it of factors characterizing the influence of the range and volumes of products, the specific value of variable costs per unit of production, the total amount of fixed costs of the enterprise, the level of selling prices for manufactured products. The essence, advantages, and disadvantages of methods used in practice for quantitative assessment of the influence of factor indicators on the level of production costs have been considered. The expediency of using the method of assessing the isolated influence of factor indicators for solving this problem has been substantiated. The main directions and algorithms for further, in-depth analysis of individual factor indicators that had a negative impact on the level of production costs have been determined.


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Yegupov, Y., Babii, O., & Yegupova, I. (2022). FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE PRODUCT COST INTENSITY AT THE RESTAURANT INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES. Economy and Society, (37). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-37-69