Insurance products have the potential to address issues related to the social security, that includes the providing of education, health-care services and financial help in a difficult situation. Insurance intermediaries are subjects who provide cooperation of insurance companies and their client. Insurance intermediaries can increase of insurance culture of the population, because they argue and choose of insurance programs for consumers. The purpose of this paper is generalization of theoretical approaches and development of practical recommendations on role of insurance intermediaries in the insurance service delivery system for providing of efficient in the insurance market under the influence of present-day conditions. This aim of the study сaused to use different research methods. Dialectical approach has been used on defining the concepts of «insurance intermediary». Systematic approach helped to show the role of insurance intermediaries in the insurance service delivery system and to develop methods of increasing efficiency of insurance intermediaries. Analytical, statistical graphical and comparative approaches were used for description main features of development of direct insurance intermediation in Ukraine, definition of role of insurance intermediation in the insurance service delivery system. The definition of insurance intermediators is improved, insurance agents and insurance brokers are classificated and roles of the insurance intermediaries in the insurance market is investigated by this paper. It is analysed the European experience and specific of Ukrainian insurance brokers. As result, specifics of the development of insurance intermediators and recommendation for increasing their effectiveness are presented in the article. This paper also focused on improve the laws, to accept positions for regulation of relationship between insurance intermediaries and insurance companies and their clients. The role of direct insurance intermediaries that was unexplored in this paper helps to understand their potential better and to identify direct and hidden influence on insurance development processes. Proposed activities for insurance intermediation improvement are focused on addressing the weaknesses of insurance intermediation working.
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