Keywords: innovation, innovative project, project evaluation, efficiency evaluation, integral indicators of efficiency


The article is dedicated to topical was made on the concept of an innovative project and the position of yoga, as a driver for the development of the economy and the stable functioning of entrepreneurship and business. The main indicators of the assessment of the effectiveness of the innovation project were carried out, because of which the classification of the indicators of the assessment of the quality and efficiency of the innovation business was completed. It was designed to analyze the main criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of an innovative project with an emphasis on its integral value. This problem is especially topical in the minds of instability and problem crisis, so as a way out of these difficult economic situations, it sounds, through the introduction of innovations in all spheres of social life. Clearly watch mutually assigned problems from new scientific developments in the field of innovative design, start-up ecosystems, and business-to-business and foreign studies and practices. To solve the tasks in the robot, depending on the situation methods: critical analysis, clarification, systematization, analysis, and synthesis – stages and stages of an innovative project, as well as types of effects from its implementation; econometric modeling – for the development of the total effect of the promotion of an innovative project. The article brought the need for a designated phase, stage of an innovative project with a method of improving the efficiency of the yoga assessment. Based on the research carried out on the underlying theories, the features of that main task were seen "pre-investment" assessment of an innovative project in the minds of non-insignificance, which is due to provide reliable information about a selection of priority directives. The rich aspect of the effects of innovative activities, which zoomed in on the totality systematization of the types of effects in the implementation of innovative technologies with the improvement of the features of the activity business. An integrated system of indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of an innovative project at the stage of its implementation was disassembled the algorithm for determining the total effect of the implementation has been proposed.


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