The article addresses the existing interpretations of the concept of social vulnerability of the population and outlines the main approaches to its research and evaluation. The social vulnerability of the population is the characteristic of an individual, a group, or a community that represents the possibility of the occurence of social vulnerability risk under the impact of certain vulnerability factors. The vulnerability factors generate threats, which, if implemented, foster the display of social vulnerability risks. The development of the social vulnerability concept stems from an urgent problem of the elaboration of efficient programs to counter the implementation of social vulnerability risks, as well as social security and damage compensation programs in case of risks implementation. The system of concepts and terms of the research of social vulnerability is expanded. The nature of such concepts as social vulnerability factors, social vulnerability risks, and the possibility of risk occurrence is outlined. The article reveals that vulnerability factors can have different forces of impact on different systems or individuals. The estimated measure of harm (as regards losses) or damage displayed with a certain probability determines the risk of social vulnerability of the population. It is considered as possible negative estimated consequence of vulnerability factors’ impact. The frequency of its emergence in a stochastic aggregate (individuals, group, or community) determines the probability of vulnerability risk occurrence. The article reveals the relationship between the concepts of social vulnerability and social security as those showing the causal impact of various groups of risks on the characteristics of the population. It substantiates the understanding of the concept of the socially vulnerable category of the population that includes individuals, groups, or communities with a higher probability of social vulnerability risk occurrence. Their role in the research of the social vulnerability of the population is emphasized. The author argues that so far, discrimination, poverty, and social isolation have been considered the most acute manifestations of social vulnerability. The major approaches to the evaluation of the social vulnerability of the population are presented. The following methods are determined to be the most common in the evaluation of vulnerability: index, statistical-stochastic, and sociological.
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