The article is devoted to the analysis of the impact of the tourism industry on the economic development of our country, in particular the Zaporozhzhia region. The concept of «excursion» is characterized as a special phenomenon in the socio-cultural space that enriches the human intellect in the process of acquiring new knowledge. The interrelation of excursion activity with tourism is defined, which allows to state that excursion is a means of realization of tourist services and development of tourist branch. It is noted that excursion activities belong to the service sector, which not only provides knowledge but also helps to support the national economy through the use of ethno-tourist resources, formed and emerged in the centers of origin, development and dissemination of ethnographic groups in the formation of new tourism products. That is why the development of new tourist products, which include excursions, taking into account ethnographic maps of regions, should be considered a promising area of tourism development in Ukraine. The research of researchers devoted to excursion activities and theoretical and methodological aspects of the development of ethnic tourism in the socio-cultural space is considered. The aim of the article is to analyze the use of excursions as a means of mastering the socio-cultural space in ethnic tourism. Ethnic tourism is one of the components of dynamically developing tourism in modern times. Opportunities for the development of ethnic tourism contribute to the socio-economic, socio-cultural development of regions, strengthening civic identity, interethnic relations, promotes ethno-cultural development of peoples. Ethnic tourism, as a factor of sustainable socio-cultural development of the region, has significant opportunities. The Zaporozhzhia region is an excellent example of the use of excursions as a means of mastering the socio-cultural space in ethnic tourism. The region offers its guests a large number of excursion routes to get acquainted with the history, culture and traditions of the Zaporozhzhia region: excursions on the island of Khortytsia, on national reserves, visiting festivals, holidays and ethno estates, etc.
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